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The late contemporary Sufi Mehmed Nusret Tura (1903-1979), a man imbued with Divine love wrote on the subject of Sufism in the newspaper Yeni Istanbul and Milliyet. The lectures replete with love and wisdom strike its readers with intensity, ecstasy, captivation and the joy of unity, implicating the same atmosphere onto its readers.Such potent works, part and parcel of a vast chronicle of the history of Sufism, are important in the sense of showing an unbroken and lively continuance of a profound tradition from the classic periods up until today. Happy and fortunate we will consider ourselves to be, if by virtue of this work we are able to, in any way, serve the God of Love and His noble path, trekked by a cluster of heroes and guides whose names may have been forgotten along the way, at the gain of keeping a splendid path ever alive.(Arka Kapak)