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ACTIVE GRAMMAR EXERCISESANADOLU VE SÜPER LİSELER İLE ÖZEL OKULLARIN HAZIRLIK SINIFLARINDA "SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL(EK YARDIMCI KİTAP)" OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK BİR ALIŞTIRMA KİTABIDIR.AYRICA NORMAL LİSELERİN 1.VE 2. SINIFLARINDA DA UYGULANABİLECEK BİR YARDIMCI KİTAPTIR.KİTAP BEGINNER-ELEMENTARY-PRE INTERMEDIATE SEVİYELERİNİ KAPSAMAKTADIR. ACTIVE GRAMMAR EXERCISES gives short, clear explanations of grammar and provides practice exercises for you to do. This book is planned so simply that the learner can easily understand the exercises. Each lesson is well arranged in order that the teacher simply starts with the first exercises of each lesson and proceeds through the remaining exercises. The book has various types of exercises with a test at the end of each lesson. There are two ways in which this book can be used: i) in class, with the help of the teacher ii) at home by yourself. This grammar practice book i...